XFPlastic Packaging Manufacturer

Xiamen XieFa Company outdoor team building activities

Xiamen Xiefa Company outdoor team building activities Good weekend time

Just on Saturday , Xiamen XieFa Plastic Packaging Co., Ltd. organized a long-awaited outdoor team building activity. As a company, we are well aware of the importance of teamwork and employee happiness, so we decided to use this opportunity to let everyone relax outside of work and enhance their understanding of each other.

Venue: Susong Park

The location of this team building activity was chosen to be Susong Park near the company . Susong Park is famous for its beautiful natural scenery and rich cultural heritage, and is a great place for team activities.

Rich and colorful activities

In order to let everyone enjoy this team building, we have carefully arranged a variety of activities.


Hiking : In the afternoon , we started a relaxing hiking under the guidance of our leader , enjoying the beautiful scenery and unique architectural style of Xiamen .

Team Games: After the hike, we played a few fun team games in the park , which not only made everyone laugh but also enhanced the cohesion of the team.

Dinner: In the evening, we went to a nearby restaurant and enjoyed a delicious dinner together. At the table, everyone talked freely and shared their work and life experiences. The atmosphere was very lively.

Karaoke: After dinner, we went to the KTV and sang to our heart’s content. Everyone showed off their singing skills, some sang passionately, and some sang funny and humorous, pushing the atmosphere to a climax.

Group photo: At the end of the activity, all our employees took a group photo in front of the scenic spot. This photo not only recorded everyone’s laughter and good times, but also became a beautiful memory of our team-building activity.

Gains and insights

This outdoor team-building activity not only allowed everyone to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature, but also enhanced the team’s cohesion and cooperation spirit. Through this activity, everyone has a better understanding and trust of each other. I believe that in the future work, we will be more united and face new challenges together.


Every team-building activity of Xiamen Xiefa Company is an unforgettable experience. We look forward to more such opportunities in the future so that everyone can relax, enhance friendship and create a better tomorrow together after busy work!


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